Trailer: The City Dark


The City Dark is a feature documentary about the loss of night. After moving to NYC from rural Maine, filmmaker Ian Cheney asks a simple question - do we need the stars?

Next Projection

Next Projection is a Toronto based organization that attempts to bring the best of today’s and yesterday’s films to fans of movies around the world while in the process stimulating a thought-provoking discussion of cinema through our film reviews, daily blog, and soon with our own film festival.
  • Christopher Misch

    This looks fantastic. Going to be on the look out for this one.

  • Light Within Light

    Very interesting. Having lived in places where the stars are abundantly clear, I think about this subject (relatively) frequently now that I’m in a city. Looking forward to this movie.

  • Christopher Misch

    Should be an eye opener. Only time I ever really see the stars are when I go to the cottage….once a year. Sad, really.