About Us
Next Projection is a Toronto based online publication with global reach that attempts to bring the best of today’s and yesterday’s films to movie fans around the world and in the process stimulate a thought-provoking discussion of cinema. We are one of Canada’s preeminent movie review websites. With an incredible team that has grown to upwards of thirty individuals from countries such as but not limited to The United States, Ireland, Buenos Aires, and the Philippines, we have shone a spotlight on the smaller lesser-known films of Canadian and world cinema in the hopes of spreading the word.
Christopher Misch, Chief Editor & Founder
I’ve always loved movies, but it wasn’t until under the tutelage of Professor Garry Leonard at the University of Toronto that my passion for the industry became an understanding of an art form. With a specific fascination in both the western genre and Asian cinema in general, I am of the view that good movies are either enlightening or entertaining, and if you are truly lucky they are both. Email me at [email protected].
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Matthew Blevins, Assistant Editor & Senior Critic
Behind me you see the empty bookshelves that my obsession with film has caused. Film teaches me most of the important concepts of life, such as cynicism, beauty, ugliness, subversion of societal norms, and what it is to be a tortured member of humanity. My passion for the medium is an important part of who I am as I stumble through existence in a desperate and frantic search for objective truths.
Peter Gutierrez, Home Video Editor
My father began bringing me to New York’s grindhouses well before my tenth birthday, which may account for why I turned out like this. I am both deeply embarrassed and oddly proud to have rated 7000 titles on Netflix-a lifetime wasted watching screens that I now try to leverage into semi-respectability as a member of the Online Film Critics Society.
I was lucky enough to turn on a television at the exact right moment to have my perspectives on the cinematic medium completely transformed. Those first two and a half hours marked the beginning of a new life revolving around—maybe even depending upon—the screen and the depth of artistry, intellectual stimulation, and emotional exhilaration it can provide.
Jason McKiernan, Awards Pundit & Senior Critic
I married into the cult of cinema at a very young age - I wasn’t of legal marriage age, but I didn’t care. It has taken advantage of me and abused me many times. Yet I stay in this marriage because I’m obsessed and consumed. Don’t try to save me — I’m too far gone.
Julian Carrington, Film Critic
A graduate of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law, I haven’t let my regrettable decision to drop Cinema Studies 101 deter me from becoming a pretentious, know-it-all film snob.
Guido Pellegrini, Buenos Aires-based Critic
I might look like a cinephile, sound like a cinephile, and watch films like a cinephile, but I’m not sure that I am, in fact, a cinephile. I like to think of myself as some sort of itinerant (and probably lost) traveler who has chosen film as his preferred medium of imaginative flight, and who has in turn chosen imaginative flight as his preferred method of thinking.
Jose Gallegos, French Cinema Film Critic
I’m an aspiring filmmaker from Los Angeles. Recently, I graduated from USC with my Bachelors in Cinema/Television Production and French (yes, I’m a “phile” for all things “cine” and “franco”). I will continue my academic career by pursuing a Masters in Film Studies at UCLA (feel free to call me a traitor).
Adrian Mendizabal, Part-time Philippines-based Critic
I am a graduating student of Chemical Engineering in University of the Philippines-Diliman. When I am not mixing solutions and discovering new chemicals, I spend my time mixing words to describe films I discovered and wanted to share to the world. I constantly dream and strive for a Philippines that does not only foster new filmmaking talents but also new voices in film criticism.
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Adam Kuntavanish, Top Ten Guru
I’ve been transfixed by the material ghosts of the movies since an early age, and I can’t seem to shake them. Since reading and writing and talking about films are the next best things to watching them, criticism became a natural fit. Whether new or old, foreign or domestic, mainstream or cult, all movies are grist for my mill. Be forewarned, I’m an inveterate list-maker, so look out for rankings, topics, and opinions of all kinds. The AFI’s got nothing on me.
A writer and video editor, I began my career writing pieces for RopeofSilicon.com and am currently a regular contributor to Film.com. I believe films can be great sources of entertainment but I also love that it’s an art form that moves us to not only share stories, but also share ideas through pictures, music and words. I’m thrilled to be part of the NextProjection team, providing my thoughts on films both classic and contemporary.
Craig Stewart, Horror Film Critic
Am I obsessed? Maybe. I prefer the term “passionate”; it has a less creepy stalker kind of vibe. Not that I have anything against creepy stalkers being that my genre of choice is and forever will be the demented and deranged dwelling of horror. If you’re looking for films that don’t sugarcoat things, that reveal people at their ugliest, that aren’t afraid to spill a little blood and have fun doing it, then look no further!
Rowena Santos Aquino, Film Critic
Recently obtained my doctoral degree in Cinema and Media studies at UCLA. Linguaphile and cinephile, and therefore multingual in my cinephilia. Asian cinemas, Spanish language filmmaking, Middle Eastern cinemas, and documentary film.
I’m a student and writer living in Philadelphia, and film has always been one of my passions. Film, more than any other art form, can communicate the experience of what it means to be a human being in a way that’s universal and beautiful. Without film, life would be far less rich, and its experiences would be far less extraordinary.
I am a blogger, critic, and writer living in Austin, TX. I first became serious about film after seeing The Lord of the Rings trilogy in its original theatrical run between 2001 and 2003. Since then, film has become my life and there’s no better job than writing about what I love.
I’ll always see film as existing in a state of reciprocity with our perceptions of both life and the world at large. My writing tends to reflect this, as I excavate any universalities that I can find within works and wax generic on their applications within contemporary social and artistic arenas. I also like loquaciousness and revel in having fun with the language; it doesn’t always work.
Film has has given me some of the best experiences and memories of my life, from connecting with my family to getting closer to my friends. I graduated from Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications with a degree in Screewnriting and a goal to one day see my work on the big screen.
50% Human, 50% Dreamer, 100% Film Buff. I always found that one of the greatest pleasures in life has and always will be in front of the silver screen. Cinema was always the gateway to exploring the world around me. As good movies are common, great movies are rare, but the films that live your memories are what make life plausible.
I’m a Toronto-based movie blogger working in media communications. I credit Steven Spielberg with igniting my passion for film at a young age after I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark. I now love all genres of film, both current and classic. I just love being swept away by people’s stories on the silver screen.
Danny Bowes is a NYC-based filmmaker and blogger (at moviesbybowes.blogspot.com). He reviews science-fiction/fantasy movies for tor.com, and theater for nytheatre.com, and is a former contributor to premiere.com.