Clip of the Day: 28 Weeks Later Opening


If there was one film that brought life back to the zombie franchise in the 21st century it would have to be 28 Days Later, yet its sequel 28 Weeks Later does equal justice to it. Another great British film which carries on where its predecessor left off, as survivors of the disease (that’s taken the livelihood of the civilians of the UK) are doing their best to survive and avoid the carnage of the infected that’s plagued all over England.

Watch this scene as a survivor does just that, the background score only adds more to the tenseness of the film as the suspense and fears only deepens—believe it or not this insane scene itself is just only the opening of the film.

Arjun Sehgal

50% Human, 50% Dreamer, 100% Film Buff. I always found that one of the greatest pleasures in life has and always will be in front of the silver screen. Cinema was always the gateway to exploring the world around me. As good movies are common, great movies are rare, but the films that live your memories are what make life plausible.