Girls: “Two Plane Rides” (3.12) - TV Recap
Last week, I took Girls to task for its shortcomings with regards to serialization. The show has problems telling long range stories, and particularly in pacing them out (more on this in a moment), but one thing it tends to be great at is conveying the journey the characters have gone on over the course of the season, if not in its finale as a whole (those tend to be a bit shaky, and “Two Plane Rides” is no exception there), then in its final image. Each season of Girls tends to roughly open and close with images that speak to each other. Season one began and ended with Hannah eating pasta and later wedding cake, tracking some of the fitful maturation she had gone through. Season two opened with Adam breaking into Hannah’s apartment, forcing her to call the cops, and concluded with Adam heroically kicking in her door in a grand romantic gesture that reunited them. And season three began with the two lovers deeply entwined in each other’s arms and deeply co-dependent. But it ends with Hannah alone, strong enough to stand on her own two feet, brave enough to take a leap for herself. It isn’t a happy ending, necessarily, or at least, it is definitely bittersweet in some ways. But it is a mark of progress for the character as the season ends.