Editor’s Notes: Texas Rising and The Vampire Diaries: The Complete Sixth Season are out on their respective formats September 1st.

Meanwhile, General Santa Anna (Olivier Martinez) with his huge force is preening after defeating the outnumbered Alamo defenders and feels complete victory is well within his grasp. He is portrayed as a slimy, ambitious military man who sees the Texas campaign as stepping stone to a political career.
Other characters include Deaf Smith (Dean Morgan), a courageous Texas Ranger with a secret illness, Lorca (Ray Liotta), an Alamo survivor who goes on a murderous rampage, President Andrew Jackson (Kris Kristofferson), and half-breed Texas Ranger Billy Anderson (Brendan Fraser).
At 7 1/2 hours, the series is way too long. There’s so much padding, uninteresting subplots, and jumping around that viewers will lose interest well before the series’ resolution. Performances are fine and the casting interesting, but its length ultimately is its worst enemy. There’s not enough material to justify so much screen time. Battles are well staged, for the most part, but the elimination of the Alamo siege is a misstep. This might have been covered in a montage, just to set the stage for what follows. Instead, the viewer is thrown into the aftermath of the siege. It’s almost like coming into a movie theatre and missing not only a big sequence, but the springboard for everything to follow.
Bonus features on the Blu-ray release include profiles on Sam Houston and Santa Anna, and a behind-the-scenes, making-of featurette. A digital HD copy is included.
The Vampire Diaries: The Complete Sixth Season

Episode 1, “I’ll Remember,” spends a sizable amount of time recapping earlier events and acquainting viewers with what the characters have been up to since the other side disappeared. The episode disorients before the plot puzzle pieces are reassembled. The final scene is witty and intriguing as it sets up the questions that will be addressed during the season.
The show derives its popularity from smoothly integrating horror, fantasy, and romance genres with a generous shot of soap opera melodrama. All 22 episodes of Season 6 are included on the 4-disc Blu-ray release. Bonus extras include 2 new featurettes, 2014 Comic-Con panel, audio commentary on 2 episodes, gag reel, and unaired scenes.