Browsing: Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Always Sunny In Philadelphia Always-Sunny-s9e7

Every once in a while, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia forays into the horror-comedy genre. In these episodes, their tends to be a more energetic cinematic style with quicker cuts and movement, a certain sense of suspense and terror in the soundtrack—the show doesn’t usually have sound effects at all—and a giant red herring at the centre of all the action. In this episode, one that most closely resembles the style of the McPoyle/Ponderosa wedding episode, the flu is the red herring, avoiding the flu causes the gang to withdrawal from alcohol, and the recognition of their own alcoholism turns off the events. It’s pretty obvious to viewers that this is a group of alcoholics, but the way in which the story unfurls their alcoholism and makes them face the consequences, however briefly, is quite enthralling. With Frank individualized and prompted to act on his crazy volitions, the episode becomes a disturbingly hilarious commentary on the sick, the grotesque, and the insane.

Always Sunny In Philadelphia always-sunny-s9e6

It is evident this season that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia has become more explicit when it comes to detailing the psychological tropes of the five main characters of the gang. In “The Gang Saves the Day”, we get yet another set of individualized experiences that attest to the underlining psychological dispositions of the characters. While the show has done this in the past, with episodes centered on Frank’s Intervention and the Gang seeing a psychiatrist to decide who has to clean the dishes, the show has never yet gone to such lengths to directly address the mannerisms and characteristics that make this group so captivating both as a sum of its parts and as a collective of fascinating individuals.

Always Sunny In Philadelphia Always Sunny-Season 9

The premiere of the ninth season is one of the strangest episodes of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. There is a strange tenor to the actions, and until the ending, doesn’t even feel like a Sunny episode. At first, I wondered if the move to FXX caused a decline in quality or a change in production team. Of course, the team of writers/actors that is the gang are as much the operating force behind ASIP as ever.

The cold opening displays Dee at her apparent lowest. She is eating trash cake and smoking ‘like a bird’—her own admission. She clearly doesn’t care about anything at this point. Supposedly to make her feel better, the gang sets her up for an open mic night at a comedy club. Since she doesn’t care anymore, she won’t dry heave, and may actually get some laughs. She does, and these ones I believe are actually real laughs. However, from this moment on, her climb to celebrity stardom is a giant hoax, put on by Charlie, Mac, and Frank. The story is made believable, because the camera chooses to ignore plot holes in order to maintain the suspension of disbelief, a suspension of disbelief that is similarly held by Dennis, who is not in on the prank. His frustration is pushed to the extreme just as Dees limits are.

Always Sunny In Philadelphia It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Behind all of Mac’s ridiculous antics that drive the gang mad, there is a delusional asshole who uses God as an excuse. This episode showed us what it would be like if Mac was actually a badass, capable of doing the myriad of things he claims a right to. We are introduced to Mac’s cousin, country-Mac (Sean William Scott), a person who at first appears to be a likening of Mac but turns out to be exactly what Mac is not. Through his calm demeanour, actual badassery, and real ability to perform an ocular patdown, country-Mac shows the Gang the truth about karate, God, and security: these things aren’t lame; Mac makes them lame.