Browsing: This Week On Demand

This Week On Demand nfx0

At the rate we’re going, we’ll struggle to cover Netflix’s new 2014 releases, let alone each new movie they add to the catalogue. Already this year we’ve had dozens of shiny new titles join the fray; while quality, make no mistake, has made no match for quantity, these more…

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Will there ever be a week in our little column that we can truly declare great? While this latest batch of Netflix releases includes what is, for my money, the year’s best movie by miles, it’s at the expense of another that misses out on my bottom spot by inches. But that’s…

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Between the challenges of real life—we have those too, you know—and the downtime required to render Next Projection with such lush new look—is it not gorgeous?—we regret depriving you of your streaming guide last week. But we’re back and better than ever, with a bumper holdover…

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Memory’s short with so many movies over so many weeks, but it’s a while I think since our humble column here had a selection so lacking in anything especially of note to hoist upon you. That’s not to say we’re without a host of recommendations; while nothing here quite has us excitedly enthused, there’s at least a few stray titles of note. Next week, with May’s first-of-the-month content explosion to sate us, we ought to fare better.

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Another week, another host of new Netflix content. Never far from the top of the priorities list for the VOD giant, gay cinema gets another welcome influx this week, with a golden oldie and a modern masterpiece both joining the fray amidst a wide crowd of lesser—but yet worthy—content. New releases are strong, which is to say many rather than especially good; one of the year’s biggest stinkers to date has joined our ranks, for the more masochistically-inclined among you.

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It’s that time of the week again—shush you, the time shifts depending on how busy we are—and here we are with your Netflix reviews. The steady drip of 2014 releases continues, another pair arriving this week to add to what should be, by year’s end, another bursting-at-the-seams array of catch-up material. 2013 releases are forthcoming too; indeed it’s a rather recent assortment of movies this time around, with only a single title casting us back more’n a decade ago.

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Here we have it: the start of another year on demand; this column’s third trip round the sun is officially underway. What better way to start than with one of those wonderful first-of-the-month booms, and in the company of new friends. Welcome aboard this week Jose Gallegos, whom Next Projection readers will know well for his ever-insightful, anecdote-infused approach. We’re as glad to have him as we are lucky; you need only read on to find you’ll agree. As ever, it’s an eclectic blend this week, from the first steps of the New Hollywood through the blockbuster era right up to a host of modern indie efforts.

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Apologies couldn’t come quick enough to the—literally—pairs of you left in the lurch by this long, loathsome absence of This Week on Demand from your lives. Exciting changes are underway here at the headquarters, and between the teething troubles of organising those and the sheer shock of realising we’ve hit the two year mark I’m afraid to say we rather lost the run of ourselves. No matter! Here we are with a bumper edition to offer apologies and to celebrate that second anniversary: in the course of two years of new-to-Netflix coverage we’ve now reviewed over 1,150 movies, a frankly obscene amount that honestly just scares us more than anything else. Keep the eyes peeled for the first of the 2014 releases to arrive upon us. We’ll be back very soon with another bloated batch, and some new pals with whom to start year three.

Reviews pretty_old_2013_2

There’s a tendency, in this terribly self-aware society of ours, to find flaw in the inherent objectification of pageantry, as though it isn’t the celebratory other side of the coin to the instant judgement rife in life anyway. One need only see for a second the smiling subjects of Pretty Old, participants in the thirtieth annual Ms. Senior Sweetheart pageant, to know it’s not all bad. It’s less because of the cute content of Walter Matteson’s documentary that it’s so delightful than in spite of it: where others might be content to rest on the niche subject’s novel laurels, Matteson dares to delve deeper, to peer behind the curtain’s velvet frills and get to the heart of the feelings at hand.

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