Author Daniel Tucker

I never knew how movies could make your imagination soar until I saw "Star Wars," I never realized how inspiring they could be until I saw "Rocky," and I never truly appreciated film until I saw "Goodfellas." Film has been a central part of my life as long as I can remember and it continues to mold who I am. My " movies to watch" list is miles longer than my "movies I have watched" list. My only regret is not having enough time to watch them all.

Reviews Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 11.25.21 PM

From exquisitely crafted period pieces like Atonement to modern fairy tales like Hannah, Joe Wright continues to make interesting choices in projects as a director. His previous film, 2012’s Anna Karenina showcased once again his dexterity in overcoming a familiar topic with an astounding visual aesthetic and captivating characters. Pan, his latest …

NP Approved Listen to Me Marlon

It would be incredibly easy to construct a documentary about Marlon Brando that highlights his infamous hard-headedness on set, his insatiable appetite and the invaluable contribution he made to modern acting. Stevan Ridley includes these and other things in…

Trailers MV5BMTkyNTUxMDczMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTUzNDA4NjE@._V1_CR39,0,1842,1036_AL_

An exciting, eclectic bunch of trailers dropped this week, the highlights of which have been gathered here for your viewing ease and pleasure. This week’s Trailer Roundup features Jon Favreau’s Jungle Book, Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea, Steven Spielberg’s reunion with Tom Hanks, and the first look at the next Divergent Installment.

NP Approved Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 11.31.39 PM

Larry is one of those special characters that is only likable in movies, the kind that if we ran into in real life we’d cross the street. He’s abrasive and quirky, seething with sarcasm and bursting with angst. If you tell him to turn down his personality a bit, he’ll tell you a joke about George Bush at a library trying to order a burger, fries and a coke. In the real

Reviews no escape

In addition to strong violence and language, John Erick Dowdle’s No Escape is rated Are for a sexual assault. Said sexual assault takes place no less than fifteen minutes before one of the film’s many angry Asians forces a child into a twisted Mexican standoff, pointing a gun at her head while she points a gun at her father…

NP Approved Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 12.14.15 AM

It takes courage to follow you dreams, especially when it means leaving your three children and husband behind to pursue them. Men are praised when doing so, but women are cursed if they even think about doing such a thing. Acceptable societal norm or crippling double standard? Ricki, as played by Meryl Streep in Jonathan Demme’s …

NP Approved Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 11.47.59 AM

It’s incredibly fascinating how the Mission: Impossible cinematic franchise has evolved since Brian De Palma’s first film in the series premiered in 1996. Four films and as many directors later, the latest adventure for Ethan Hunt and his team may very well be the best entry in the franchise yet. Each Mission: Impossible film has had its own distinct ….

Reviews Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 9.26.38 AM

Pixels is best mainstream movie that Adam Sandler has made in years. This is as shocking a sentence to me as it will likely be to you. Now that you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor allow me to explain why Pixels isn’t a waste of your time and money.

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