Scandal, “The Key” (4.5) - TV Review
This episode flowed from scene to scene effortlessly with two character dialogues that were all equally gripping. There are too many scenes I loved this episode so I am going to focus on those knockouts.
This episode flowed from scene to scene effortlessly with two character dialogues that were all equally gripping. There are too many scenes I loved this episode so I am going to focus on those knockouts.
This episode disappointed me. I am used to the Scandal that starts off fast then adds to the drama throughout and ends on a high note. This episode started off slow, continued to be slow and then finally took off in the last 5 minutes.
This isn’t as good of an episode as the Season opener, but it still had me watching with intense interest.
Scandal is back and had picked up to where it ended in season three, in the best way.
Where did Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) fly off to at the end of Season Three? No other than to a beautiful deserted island where she believed no one could find her.